Love is in the air…..Happy Valentine’s Day!
This week we have worked really hard and had loads of fun too!

In English, we began our week’s reading by finding out all about Howard Carter (the man who discovered and documented Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings). We learned what a Pharaoh’s tomb might contain – in order to prepare for the afterlife – and we thought a little about what we might take with us into our own tombs. Once we had found out about Howard’s discovery, we created our own, highly decorated, sarcophagus – which we needed later in the day.
In the afternoon, we watched a live* mummification, and began to think about the careful process the ancient Egyptians went through in order to preserve a body. After this, we created our own mummy (out of clay) to fit inside our beautiful sarcophagus. The children thoroughly enjoyed our day of immersion into Egyptian tombs.
Our English work continued around the theme of recount letters – associated to the story of Hansel and Gretel and we explored a wide range of example texts which helped to inspire us to understand the genre more. We were excellent at identifying the presentational features of letters and our understanding of the language features improved greatly too. This would prove to be useful later in the week…

In preparation for World Book Day (Week) we found out about our focus author Nizrana Farook. We had a look at some of her books and wrote letters to ask her some questions about being an author and to find out more about her books. If you’d like to read some of her books, you can do so following these links…. The girl who stole an elephant, The boy who met a whale, The girl who lost a leopard and The boy who saved a bear.

Congratulations to Jack in 2DJ, who is always full of enthusiasm and gives his best effort to everything he does. Well Done!
Congratulations to Leia in 2HS, for showing improved effort in home learning this week. Well done!

Our superstar readers are…for reading at home an amazing 5 times this week… Subhan, Mason, Alex, Hazel and Jack. With 4 reads this week… Edith, Hizar, Isha, Jemima, Leia, Leo, Luna, Riley, Zara, Elizabeth, Lewis, Musa A and Shanaya G. With 3 reads this week… Chloe, Harry, Bella, Ava, Aya, Georgie, Grace, Musa S and Rose. Well done to all of you!

Well done for achieving full marks in their spelling test to… Ava, Hizar, Luna, Isha, Shanaya G, Alex, Musa A, Rayan, Shanaya N, Nancy, Eva and Isabelle.