This week we have been very busy creating a discussion text in English considering whether Henry VIII was a revolutionary or a ruthless ruler, we look forward to sharing some of the finished pieces with you. In Maths we have been multiplying and dividing decimals and whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
Bikeability has been a huge success and congratulations to all those children on earning their badges and certificates. Friday has been very festive with the children coming to school dressed in red, white and blue. We enjoyed a lovely Coronation lunch and had fun with Coronation activities and crafts. We hope that you all have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 9th May.
Thank you to those who have returned trip letters, please can any outstanding letters be returned by Friday 12th May.
Pupil of the week!
Congratulations to Zarwa in 2CR this week for excellent work in Bikeability and the class room. Congratulations to Shia in 2BV for always doing the right thing.
Super Spellers!
Congratulations to all the children who got 10 out of 10 on their spellings this week!
Faheem Hachem Layla H Archie Inaya Jacob Madeline Riley and Dominic.
Times Table Super Stars!
Congratulations to all those children receiving full marks on their times tables test today!
Alexander Jay Eithan Keira Dominic Madeline Lissie Riley Bethany Simar Grace Layla B Zarwa Isobelle Gracie Layla B Faheem Jacob Zach Ajeet John Inaya Shia Joel Zak Mollie Archie Layla H Hachem Ollie and Kenyon.