
Global Goals

Welcome back! We hope that you have all had a fantastic half term break. This half term we will be looking at our new topic Global Goals which will give us the opportunity to explore lots of current issues such as energy, climate change, where our food comes from and activists like Greta Thunberg. We will look at what we can do globally as well as locally and at school or home.

In Maths, we have moved to multiplication and division where we will cover multiplication and division facts, square numbers, cube numbers, prime numbers and common factors.

In English, we will be concentrating on our local area and will write letters of persuasion to Andy Preston (Middlesbrough’s mayor) with suggestions on how to improve our community.

In Science, we will be turning our gaze towards space where we will discover all about the Sun, Moon, Earth and the planets.


PE this half term will be on Wednesday please come to school in your PE kit. A polite reminder our PE kit is a plain white T-shirt, plain black jogging bottoms, shorts or leggings with your school jumper or cardigan. If you have earrings please remove them for that day or cover them. Many thanks for your support.


Homework will continue to be set on a Thursday and will be due in on a Monday each week. Please encourage your child to read at home at least three times a week. Spellings will be introduced on a Monday for a test each Friday. All of the children have been given a login for Spelling Shed it is in the front of their Reading Records. The games and activities set for them will support them with the spelling pattern been taught that week. Children have also been given access to Duolingo to support French, activities will be set for in school and can also be completed at home. The children also continue to have access to TT Rockstars. All login information is at the front of your child’s reading record.

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