Welcome back to school, we have had a lovely week getting to know our new classes and discovering what you have been up to over the holidays. We have started the term by creating a welcome page in our curriculum books, looking at place value, researching Galileo Galilei and holding an Ancient Egyptian afternoon.
This term PE will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday please come to school in PE kit (plain white t-shirt, black bottoms and your school red jumper). Spellings will be on the website every Monday for a test every Friday. Home work is posted on the website every Thursday to be returned on a Monday.
Pupil of the week!
Congratulations to Charlie in 2CR for working super hard and being helpful.
Congratulations to Ahmed in 2BV for always being ready to learn and making a great start to Year 5.
Times Table Super Stars!
Congratulations to all those children receiving full marks on their times tables test today!
Lily-Rose Leon Lexie Rojin Emmie-Rose Alice Layla H Lilly Kiziah Daisy Oscar Ray Pearl Charlie Aishah Amr Zach Willow Ava Scarlett Gagandeep Heidi Mujahid Cruz
Super Spellers!
Congratulations to all the children who got 10 out of 10 on their spellings this week!
Daisy Amr Ahmed Willow Ava Mujahid
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Lily-Rose we hope you had a wonderful day!