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At Newham Bridge Primary, we believe that every child has an innate capacity for learning which should be nurtured, cared for, stimulated, harnessed, promoted and developed through the provision of an exciting, creative, relevant, and challenging curriculum. At Newham Bridge our curriculum is planned to ensure that every child has the opportunity to develop:

• Socially, emotionally, intellectually, physically, spiritually, morally and culturally;

• Positive attitudes, healthy relationships and essential life and work skills;

• The ability to make informed choices, gaining experiences and developing responsibilities for their future.

We have created our own school curriculum which fulfils all requirements of the National Curriculum, links to local context and encourages wider links and connections through a topic-based approach.

We have selected our topics based on Historical and Geographical objectives.

Our school definition of History – History is the study of the past, in particular the changes over time that have occurred within human society.

Our school definition of Geography – Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.

The NBPS curriculum includes unit overviews which highlight the objectives that must be taught throughout the topic; suggested activities which may be adapted by the Phase Team; a link to a launch activity to inspire the start of the topic; a memorable activity to summarise and celebrate learning at the end of the topic and suggested texts to ensure reading is interwoven into the wider curriculum.

The Units are not set out as a scheme of work to allow some professional autonomy over the delivery of the curriculum based upon cohort needs.

New vocabulary is highlighted to emphasise subject specific vocabulary and match the school’s drive to immerse pupils and a rich environment of language.

Each historical based unit with begin with timeline work.

Each Geographical unit will begin with map work. Fieldwork will be interwoven throughout.

To read our Curriculum and Planning Policy click here.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Barker.

Whole School Curriculum Overview

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