Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. This half term our topic is Tudor Times find out more on the knowledge organisers below. This week we have been exploring figurative language in our descriptive writing about pestilence and have continued our work with fractions and decimals in maths.
This half term PE will be on Monday and Thursday please send your child to school in PE kit on those days. A quick reminder that school PE kit is a plain white t shirt, plain black bottoms, trainers and a school jumper or cardigan. Home work is set each Thursday to be completed and returned each Monday. Homework club is available each Thursday. Spellings are set every Monday to be learnt for a spelling test every Friday.
Pupil of the week!
Congratulations to Zach S in Miss Vanderson’s class for an outstanding attitude to learning. Congratulations to Sienna in Mrs Rooney’s class for working hard in maths looking at measures.
Super Spellers!
Congratulations to all the children who got 10 out of 10 on their spellings this week!
Keira Simar Faheem Layla B Isobelle Layla H Archie Joel Shia Inaya Ajeet Kitty
Times Table Super Stars!
Congratulations to all those children receiving full marks on their times tables test today!
Alex Eithan Keira Dominic Mads Harrison Leah Lissie Elliott Simar Grace Layla Bu Mollie Kenyon Joel Ajeet Shia Hollie Gracie Faheem Ollie Jacob Zach Archie Layla H Layla B