Wow we have had an incredible week in Year 5. We have had the opportunity to watch the amazing EYFS performance, the Keystage one performance and a panto (Alice in Wonderland)! They all were incredible and the children enjoyed every minute of them.
In English, we have finally published our letters to the Mayor of Middlesbrough (Andy Preston) and hope to post them to him next week. In Maths the children have worked hard in perimeter and area well done. In science, we have come to the end of our topic on space, which the children have really enjoyed, keep watching the night skies.
Pupil of Week
Congratulations to Faheem in 2BV who is pupil of the week for always following the Golden Rules.
Congratulations to Leah in 2CR who is pupil of the week for giving 100% effort in her maths this week and showing super resilience when it was tricky.
Super spellers
Congratulations to our amazing children getting 10/10 on this weeks spelling test.
Faheem Isobelle Layla H Kitty Zak Simar Grace Zarwa
Times Tables
Congratulations to our amazing children getting 10/10 on this weeks times tables test.
Faheem Gracie Kenyon Layla H Archie Hollie Inaya Ajeet Zach Jacob Zak Alex Phoebe Jay Eithan Keira Dominic Madeline Harrison Leah Lissie Riley Grace Zarwa