
Class News 29/9/2023

What an amazing week we have had! Monday we had CCI come into our school and we carried out some brilliant experiments, the children all had different roles they had to play to carry out the experiment correctly. They were all great at following instructions and they all recorded their results accurately. We are looking forward to our next session!

Tuesday we were on our trip to the oriental museum! The children were excellent at asking questions and getting involved with ancient artefacts. They held precious artefacts from up to 4000 years old! They carefully analysed different treasures and drew pictures of them and tried to understand what they may have been used for. The highlight of the day was seeing a real life mummy! The children really enjoyed asking questions to understand the life that the mummy had lived. The children had to turn into actors and actresses when acting out the weighing of the heart ceremony. Overall, both the children and us enjoyed the trip very much and we were blown away by their efforts.

For the rest of the week we have finished of our publishing of how to mummify a pharaoh and we look forward to moving onto our next piece of writing which will be a diary entry! In maths, we are almost at the end of our place value topic and we will be completing our end of block next week! We also had another science lesson on Thursday to find out which 3D shape is the most streamlined. The children created wonderful posters on the Rosetta Stone discussing its historical importance. Well done year 5! What a brilliant week!

Pupil of the week!

Congratulations to Jacob in 2CR who has earned POW for being polite and helpful in class.

Congratulations to Scarlett in 2BV who has earned pupil of the week for excellent work ethic and brilliant ideas within lessons.

Respect Award

Congratulations to Belle for earning the respect award for her kindness and politeness to both staff and pupils. Congratulations to Aaliyah for also earning the respect award for being polite and having lovely manners.

Super Spellers!

Congratulations to all the children who got 10 out of 10 on their spellings this week! Mujahid, Gagandeep, Finn, Heidi, Zach, Aishah, Charlie, Daisy, Aaliyah, Lily-Rose, Oliver and Kiziah.

Times Table Super Stars!

Congratulations to all those children receiving full marks on their times tables test today! Aishah, Amr, Finn, Zach, Willow, Harry, Amina, Belle, Ava, Gagandeep, Heidi, Mujahid, Cruz, Lily-Rose, Emmie, Alice, Lilly, Ray, Oliver, Jacob Daisy, Kiziah, Lexie, Charlie, Layla H, Pearl, Aaliyah.

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