
Class News 24/05/2024

Half term is here already! How time has flown! We have had such a lovely week focusing on converting measurements in maths, writing a newspaper report on the beheading of Anne Boleyn and lots of other amazing work. In science, we focused on creating a graph to represent our findings of a good thermal insulator. In maths we have also been discussing what job we would like to do when we are older and how it may include maths without us even recognising. Along side this we have been looking at converting measurements such as km/m kg/g m/mm l/ml. We have also had an amazing time rehearsing the songs for the year 6 production, they sound brilliant!

Some children completed their lessons in bike ability and they have had an incredible time learning the importance of riding safely and how to be safe on the roads. The instructors have been blown away with their outstanding behaviour and their attitudes towards the lessons. We are super proud, well done to those children! 🙂

Reminder about uniform- Your children should be wearing the correct school uniform and plain black shoes/trainers. On PE days your child must be wearing black leggings/joggers/shorts with a plain white t-shirt and red school jumper or cardigan. 🙂

We hope you have a lovely half term and we are keeping our fingers crossed for some lovely sunshine! 🙂

Congratulations to Leon in 2CR for his excellent reasoning skills in mathematics.

Congratulations to Milena in 2BV for always approaching work with a positive attitude

Congratulations to the children receiving the half termly awards!

Oscar for inspiring others by being an excellent role model!

Ahmed for the pure enjoyment he has towards school and his inspiring attitude!

Layla P for developing her handwriting and producing outstanding writing!

Congratulations to Heidi who puts 100% effort into her reading and has challenged herself with longer texts! Well done Heidi 🙂

Congratulations to Poppy for having excellent manners.

Congratulations to Finnley for being kind and patient with others.

Congratulations to all the children who got 10 out of 10 on their spellings this week!

Aishah Finn Zach Willow Amina Gag Heidi Aaliyah Charlie Olivia

Congratulations to all the children who got 12 out of 12 on their times table test this week!

Finnley, Zach, Willow, Gag, Heidi, Cruz, Milena, Charlie, Aaliyah

Happy Birthday to Clayton, Lilly H and Khadija. We hope you have a lovely time celebrating!

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