We have had an incredible week in Year 5! This week was Maths week and the children have participated in a number of exciting and fun maths activities. We had a great time learning our song about Prime numbers for the sing off, we solved complex calculations on our QR code hunt and created masterpieces in Maths art based on the work of Kadinsky. We were thrilled to see so many parents at the open afternoon enjoying maths games with the children.
We were very lucky to receive a Lego workshop session where we built cars thinking about the scientific principles of friction, gravity and aerodynamics in order to allow our cars to travel over long distances.
A reminder that swimming commences on Monday 14th November for two weeks please ensure that your child ( if participating) has a swimming costume and towel in school every day. Please remove all jewellery, including earrings and ensure long hair is tied up. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Pupil of the week
Congratulations to Elliott in Mrs Rooney’s class for all his hard work in descriptive writing the week. Well done!
Congratulations to Hollie in Miss Vanderson’s class for giving 100% effort in everything she does.
Respect Award
Congratulations to Harrison in Mrs Rooney’s class for using lovely manners and showing kindness. Well done!
Congratulations to Inaya in Miss Vanderson’s class for always having beautiful manners. Well done!
Spelling Superstars
Congratulations to our super spellers this week achieving 10 out of 10 on their spelling test.
Faheem Layla B Isobelle Layla H Archie Shia Inaya John Kitty-Beau Zak Keira Dominic Madeline Simar