We have had a great week in school! During English lessons we are developing our writing looking at discussion texts, we are deciding if Henry VIII was a revolutionary ruler or a murderous monarch. In Maths we are continuing or work on FDP looking at adding decimals within a whole. Please may I remind you that PE days are Tuesday and Friday, children should attend school in their PE kits. On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday please send your child to school in their uniform.
In science this week we looked at the life cycles of birds and compared them to those of mammals. In DT we have continued to design our Tudor pop up books we can’t wait to start making them.
Please find a link below for sun awareness week.
https://www.skinhealthinfo.org.uk/sun-awareness/ –
Pupil of the week!
Congratulations to Oliver in 2CR for outstanding effort with his learning!
Congratulations to Willow in 2BV for her outstanding attitude and effort in Maths!
Respect Award
Congratulations to Lily-Rose in 2CR for being kind and caring to others!
Congratulations to Belle in 2BV for making sure others are ok and being kind!
Super Spellers!
Congratulations to all the children who got 10 out of 10 on their spellings this week!
Clayton Jacob Lexie Lilly Ray Olivia Amr Laila D’Arcy Zach Willow Orion Gag
Times Table Super Stars!
Congratulations to all the children who got 12 out of 12 on their times table test this week!
Lily-Rose Leon Jacob Lexie Alice Layla Lilly Kiziah Daisy Oscar Ray Pearl Oliver Aaliyah Charlie Olivia Amr Laila D’Arcy Finn Zach Khadija Willow Harry Ahmed Orion Layla P Belle Ava Scarlett Gag Heidi Cruz