Welcome back! The children have settled back in and are working extremely hard. This week we have introduced our brand new topic Tudor Times. We will be learning all about the life of a Tudor, Henry VIII and his wives and much much more! This week we started our first piece of work on Pestilence, the children are completing a descriptive piece and are doing brilliantly.
We completed a Tudor timeline in topic placing the kings and queens of the Tudor period in chronological order. In maths we have finished our topic of fractions and we are moving onto decimals. The children did really well in their end of block tests!
We thoroughly enjoyed looking through the children’s amazing homework from over half-term, thank you!
Below is the knowledge organiser to give you an insight into what we will be learning about in Summer 1!
Pupil of the week!
Congratulations to Charlie in 2CR for his excellent attitude towards his learning!
Congratulations to Cruz in 2BV for outstanding efforts towards learning in the first week back!
Respect Award
Congratulations to Clayton in 2CR for following the golden rules and being polite!
Congratulations to Milena in 2BV for always being polite to both staff and pupils!
Super Spellers!
Congratulations to the children who got 10 out of 10 on their spellings this week! Lexie Lily A, Lilly H Alice Muhammed Oliver Jacob Layla Kiziah Leon Olivia Oscar Pearl Charlie Finn Zach Khadija Willow Amina Orion Ava Scarlett Gag Heidi Cruz
Times Table Super Stars!
Congratulations to all those children receiving full marks on their times tables test today! Lexie Lilly H Lily-Rose Alice Pearl Oscar Muhammed Leon Jacob Layla Kiziah Oliver Charlie Finn Zach Willow Harry Ava Amina Orion Scarlett Cruz Heidi Gag Belle D’Arcy