Welcome to our new Reception page!
ELMER – This week in Reception we have been enjoying David McKee’s story, Elmer. After sharing the story, we talked a lot about how we are all special! What a lovely end to our first half term in Reception! Take a look at what we’ve been doing…
We have been exploring colour by doing some careful colour mixing and investigating colour using sweeties! In music we were learning about the ‘pulse’ and talking about how music makes us feel. In maths we were exploring the numbers 1,2 and 3. During Circle Time, we talked about why we are special. And finally we did Funky Feet in PE and made apple sauce with some yummy apples that were donated to us! THANK YOU! WOW, aren’t we busy!
PHONICS PRACTISE – After starting Read Write Inc this half term we are super proud of how hard the children are trying to learn and apply their new sounds. We will continue to send home new sounds to say and write in your child’s homework book. We are working on recognising and saying the sounds speedily! Have a practise at home…
Well done to everyone for completing homework each week and for reading at least 3 times a week. Watch this space for certificates!
There are no birthdays to celebrate in Reception this week. Have a happy half term everyone!
Autumn Term – Week 2
This week in Reception we have been busy as always! It has been lovely to welcome the children back after their Half Term break and they have returned to Reception ready to learn! We have been learning about keeping safe on bonfire night, decorated firework biscuits and read the story The Room on the Broom. Take a look at some of our fantastic wands!
Reception Superstars
Mrs Huggins and Mrs Lach have chosen Rosie to be the Reception Superstar this week from the Sunshine class. Rosie is a fantastic role model to the other children and always follows our golden rules. Well done Rosie!
Mrs Prest has chosen Edward to be the Reception Superstar this week from the Rainbow class. Edward completed his Autumn Walk with a grown up and labelled this pictures with the sounds he could hear. Well done Edward!
Also a big WELL DONE to Theo and Edward for their brilliant certificates today. Theo has been working hard practicing his red words at home and Edward has read 25 times at home!
Fantastic superstars! ⭐