It was lovely to welcome the children back this week. The children have settled well in to our routine. Our week has been so busy. We had our first Mighty Warrior PE session and another amazing PE session with Mrs Short. The children have enjoyed sharing what adventures they did during half term and drew some amazing pictures in their book. The children attended their very first celebration assembly with the whole school. The children have explored Diwali and Remembrance Day this week.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday this term. Please can children come to school in their PE kit both days. Thank you for your continued support.
Our PE Mighty Warriors of the week were Billy and Ryan, well done!
Our PE superstars for Mrs Short’s session this week were Noah Etherington, Ryan and Alayna, well done!
Important information
Please remember that Monday 13th November is ‘odd sock day’ as part of our Anti-Bullying Week.
Friday 17th is Children in Need Day, the children can come to school in non-uniform for a small donation. We’ll have a SPOTACULAR day! Thank you.