Welcome back!
It was lovely to see everyone back and listen to all the lovely adventures the children had during half term. The children have settled back in to the routine very well. We have also welcomed a new child to our class. The children have been very helpful and making sure he settles in to our routine well. We have had lots of fun in our Vet Surgery. The children have really enjoyed playing the role of a vet and making sick animals better. In maths the children have been learning about subtraction. This week our focus book has been The Gingerbread Man. The children have enjoyed different activities in the areas linked to this book. The children enjoyed our ‘Now Press Play’ session which was also the story The Gingerbread Man.
The children enjoyed a wonderful music session with Mrs Collins. The children were fantastic at moving their bodies to the beat of the music.
The children enjoyed practising our activities that we will be doing for our sports day with Mrs Short.
The children have enjoyed the different areas linked to our story of the week.
The children have really enjoyed our Vet Surgery this week. Helping to make sick animals better. I think we may have some future vets in reception.
Pupil of the week
The Rainbows pupil of the week is Billy for his super progress with his reading and writing. Well done!
The Sunshines pupil of the week is Elliot for his amazing attitude to learning and being a fantastic friend. Well done!
We’re so proud of you both.
Reading superstars
Well done to Ezra and Nate for reading 50 sharing books at home. Keep up the amazing reading.
Well done to James for reading 100 sharing books at home. Keep up the amazing reading.
Well done to Jack for reading 125 sharing books at home. Keep up the amazing reading.
Well done to Aria for reading 325 sharing books at home. Keep up the amazing reading.
Golden book
Ryan did some amazing holiday news writing this week and it was entered in to the Golden book. Well done Ryan!
Bronze award
Well done to Aria who has collected 10 school certificates and brought them in to receive a bronze award certificate. Well done Aria!
PE superstars
The children had a wonderful PE session with Mrs Short. The children were practising our sports day activities.
Important notices
Trip- Saltburn Tuesday 25th June
Thank you to everyone who has already paid.
Stay and Play
Our Stay and Play sessions will commence Tuesday 11th June. Each week there will be a sign up sheet for 5 adults per session. The sessions will be 2.20 – 3 pm.