What a busy week we’ve had in Reception! Our focus this week is ‘People who help us’. As part of this we watched a video were Lookout Lion showed the children how to ring 999 in an emergency and we discussed what emergencies were we would need to ring 999. The children have done some wonderful writing in their books. The children have also been practising our performance, they are working really hard to remember their lines. Thank you for the continued support at home with this. The children had lots of fun decorating our tree and exploring the snow.
Isaac had lots of fun being Santa delivering presents under the tree.
Our Mighty Warriors of the week are Sami and Rohaan!
Hughie, Rohaan and Sophia got our PE superstar award from our Mrs Short PE session!
Well done to all of our PE superstars!
Pupil of the week
The Rainbows pupil of the week is James for always trying his best, well done!
The Sunshines pupil of the week is Isaac for always being happy and enthusiastic, well done! We’re all proud of you both.
Superstar Readers
Well done to Noah and Noah for reading 25 sharing books at home. Keep up the fantastic reading!
Well done Elliot for reading 50 sharing books at home. Keep up the fantastic reading!
Reading Box
A reading box will be handed out to a different child each Friday and should be brought back on the Monday. Enjoy sharing a story with Lucky the Lion.