Another busy week for Reception class this week! We have been looking at the story of the three little pigs.
Instead of just reading the story this week, we listened to the story on Now Press Play using the headphones. We had a great time! The children acted out the actions to the story and pretended to be the different characters. We can’t wait to try it again.
We visited the local building site and talked about the different types of houses we seen on the way. We looked at the materials the builders were using to build the new block of flats.
Pupil of the Week!
A big well done to Jack from Sunshine group and Daniel W from Rainbow group this week! Jack has been chosen for being an excellent friend this week and Daniel has been trying his very best
A Huge Congratulations to Esme for her fantastic writing this week! Mrs Hewitt-Best was so impressed that she received a special letter and had her name placed in the golden book.
A big Happy Birthday to Jack this week! Hope that you have a great day!