Happy New Year!
It has been wonderful seeing the children back at school this week and listening to all their exciting holiday news. On Monday we had a lovely circle time, the children shared their holiday news and drew some pictures in their book. It sounds like you all had lots of fun over the festive half term break. We had a fun music session with Ashleigh. On Tuesday we had our first music session with Sing Education, the children really enjoyed this session and had lots of fun. Our PE days this term are Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday the children did some gymnastics and on Thursday the children did dance. The children really enjoyed these sessions and are very good at it. We have a new Dinosaur small world area and the children have had lots of fun pretending to be Dinosaurs. Next week are exploring ways in which we can keep ourselves healthy.
Pupil of the week
The Rainbows pupil of the week is Sophia for using her phonic knowledge to complete some amazing writing. Well done!
The Sunshines pupil of the week is Nate for his wonderful writing this week. Well done!
We’re so proud of you both.
Reading superstars
Well done to Rohaan and Emilia for reading 25 sharing books at home. Keep up the amazing reading at home!
Well done to Teddy and Isaac for reading 50 sharing books at home. Keep up the amazing reading at home!
Well done to Aria for reading 125 sharing books at home. Keep up the amazing reading at home!
PE Superstars
Our PE superstars this week are Nancy, Rohaan, Nate and Devan. Well done to you all!