Such a busy week in Reception! We continued to learn about signs of Spring and Easter.
Look at us doing lots of Spring and Easter activities. We had fun doing Now Press Play; we pretended to take a Spring walk to the park with our puppy Pebble, and saw lots of Spring animals. We were eggs hatching, chicks cheeping and tadpoles swimming! We had such a lot of fun! We have continued Spring patterns in maths and talked about chocolate changing from a solid to liquid. We have been learning about symbols of Spring and Easter and we collected some objects to remind us of Spring and Easter. We have been carrying out our school values this week – Inspire, achieve and definitely enjoy!
In PE with Mrs Short, we had a fantastic time taking part in a scavenger hunt. We worked with a partner to find eggs and count the bunnies! We worked well together, found them all and did some great counting.
PUPIL OF THE WEEK – A big WELL DONE to our Pupils of the week this week- Ivine from the Sunshine group and Isla from Rainbow group!
We celebrated the children who represent our school values every day. Well done to …
Daniel K for INSPIRING his friends with his fantastic creations.
Nella for ENJOYING everything we do in school and always having a try and
Noah for ACHIEVING with his brilliant writing.
The EYFS team wish you a lovely Easter break. Thank you for your support this Spring term.