We cannot believe we are here already at the Summer Term – Where has the time gone?
This week we entered a new topic: Glorious Galapagos. This topic is all about Charles Darwin’s discoveries on the Galapagos Islands in the 18oos. Please click on the link to read more about this famous man and his journey to a revolutionary theory of evolution.
In English, we have studied videos of the Galapagos Islands and some of the animals who inhabit this unique isolated islands. The children have then discuss and created some amazing figurative language sentences: similes, metaphors, personification and alliteration for both the islands and animals. Next week, we will be producing a written description on our favourite animal discovered and the island. We hope to take our reader on a journey of discovery and wonder – at our Open Afternoon you will be able to read our amazing writing so far.
In Maths, we have studied perimeter, area (rectangles, triangles and parallelograms) and volume. We have learned a selection of formulas to help us succeed every time and we are trying our best to remember these ready for key stage 3.
In Design and Technology, we have began learning a running stitch to help prepare us in our planning and making of a sketchbook. Each pupil will be taking on the role of Charles Darwin as they discover some of the unique animals inhabited on the Galapagos Islands and learn to sketch them as evidence of the encounter made.
In Science, we have entered a unit of work looking at evolution, adaptation and inheritance. Our first lesson began studying adaptation and how both plants and animals have adapted to suit their environmental changes in order to survive.
On Thursday 18th April, we be hosting our Open Afternoon from 2.45pm in the dining hall and then at 3.20pm we will be hosting our Year 6 Assessment Meeting to ensure you are aware of the End of Key Stage Assessments and what will be happening during the week beginning 13th May.
Pupil of the Week
2KT – Zach for having a more positive approach to his interactions with staff and children in school.
2DJ – Elliott for being involved in all learning.
Times Tables Super Stars: Archie, Simar, Faheem, Ajeet, Layla.H, Jacob, Madeline, Zak, Isobelle, Zarwa, Eithan, John, Dominic, Inaya, Lissie, Gracie and Alex.
Super Spellers: Simar, Zarwa, Riley, Layla.H, Zak, Archie and Hachem.