Three weeks into summer term and the sun has finally arrived – we wish you all a sunny weekend!
This week we are incredibly proud of your children, their resilience and motivation to succeed has been a pleasure to witness. They have all given this week’s assessment papers their best, and are leaving school filled with pride. Please continue to encourage your children to have a good nights sleep and eat breakfast before arriving to school.
On Monday, in Stepping Up Together, we discussed racism and discrimination with Mr Foster. Every child will be entering a competition next week to demonstrate their gained knowledge and understanding of ways to prevent racism in our world today – poster, poem or short story.
In Science, we continued to learn about adaptation through the peppered moth. The children studied how the wings had changed on the peppered moth during the industrial revolution to prevent them becoming extinct – survival of the fittest! We discussed how their natural environment changed, and to survive they needed to blend into their tree trunk to avoid predators. In class, some children designed their own moths to blend in with their classroom environment to avoid the predator when the bird arrived (Mrs Honeyman) the children waited in anticipation to see if their moth hidden in the classroom environment could survive.
Pupil of the Week
2KT – John for his determination to improve his arithmetic strategies and confidence.
2DJ – Layla.Bu for a wonderful effort and attitude to work and practice tests.