This week has flown by. Year 6 have been super busy in English! We completed our story, Broken, and everyone is super proud of their work 🙂 We cannot wait for our Open Afternoons next term to share these fantastic pieces of writing. Also, this week we began exploring procedural writing and researched the expectations of a Victorian Banquet. The children were shocked at some of the rules guests needed to follow during this period of time. Please ask them about Victorian etiquette.
In Maths, we continued exploring Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. The children now know strategies for converting and some key need to know facts e.g. 1/4 = 0.25 = 25%. If you would like to have a go at some example questions, please click on this link.
In History, we explored the British Empire and the countries involved in the growth of this. We discussed the positives and negatives to the British Empire. Some really strong reflections occurred: access to natural resources, army, population, intelligence, wealth, slavery, knowledge etc. Please click on the links to explore and discover more!
In P.E, we have learned the importance of breathing and stretching. Yoga is a sport suitable for everyone, click on the link to explore some exercises you can complete at home together.
Thank you for your generosity today in supporting Red Nose Day (Comic Relief), your children looked impressive in their ‘Dress to Impress’ outfits 🙂
This week our Pupil of the Week goes to Ollie for superb effort in all aspects of the curriculum and supporting others in the class (2KT) and Simar for superb effort in English, wonderful writing and always participating.
This week our Times Tables Superstars are Archie, John, Ajeet, Layla.H, Zarwa, Inaya, Faheem, Simar, Zak, Keira, Jacob, Gracie, Layla.B and Alex.