Firstly this week we would like to remind those parents who have children attending Peat Rigg of the meeting next week- Tuesday 24th 3:20pm. It will be straight after school and will be held in Miss Vanderson’s classroom. We will be discussing what your children will be getting up to whilst we are there and everything your child will need to take with them.

In English this week we have been focusing on different verbs especially the verb to be and to have. We have also looked at regular verbs and how to recognise them. The children have worked extremely hard with remembering key knowledge and working through tasks.
In maths, we have been looking at common factors, common multiples, prime numbers and prime factors. The children have worked hard to get through their tasks. To help support their understanding of factors, multiples and prime numbers, please support your children with using TTRS.

We have had a brilliant time in our new book club! The children are exploring new authors and stories linked to our topic- Fallen Fields. They have been really engaged with the stories and the clues we give them about the books.
Some children represented our school in the football tournament on Thursday and Friday. The children represented us brilliantly with amazing sportsmanship and determination. Well done to those who participated.
Congratulations to our pupils of the week this week: Willow for superb confidence and participation in all class learning and Olivia for her outstanding vocabulary and contributions to guided reading sessions.

Our attendance champions this week were Kiziah for always being in school on time with a smile on her face and Aishah for increased participation in lessons due to improved punctuality.
Congratulations to our super spellers this week: Khadija, Amina, Milena, Heidi, Olivia, Lily-rose, Lilly, Muhammed, Kiziah, Pearl, Aaliyah and Charlie.

Congratulations to our times table stars this week: Ray, Charlie, Olivia, D’Arcy, Laila, Lexie, Layla P, Khadija, Kiziah, Layla H, Heidi, Cruz, Pearl, Orion, Milena, Emmie, Lily, Aishah, Harry.