
Autumn 1, Week 3

We are at the end of another amazing week! Lots of House Points and Tickets in the Pot have been awarded in class this week, and some lucky children will be arriving home with a letter after their effort with Homework has found them in the Golden Book – Congratulations to all children, it really was hard to choose from.

Today, we experienced the Lambeth Walk in Dance. Every child gave it their best effort. If you find them walking differently around your home this is why! We learned four basic moves and produced routines in groups to perform to our peers focussing on synchronisation and timing – we are looking forward to expanding their knowledge next week!

In History, we extended our knowledge into World War Two and produced a timeline of the key events that took place during this time. Next week, we will be looking at the rise of the National Socialist German Workers Party to further our knowledge and understanding in this area and the impact this had on World War Two.

In Science, we continued to learn about the circulatory system and the names of the vital parts involved in this process. Children have drawn a scientific diagram similar to this and labelled it explaining the process. Quiz them about their knowledge and see if you can label this diagram together.

In Maths, we have began to look in detail at the four operations; in particular, addition and subtraction written methods with numbers up to 10 million and the definition of factors and multiplies to aid our mental arithmetic work and prepare us ready for next week’s learning.

In English, we have published our Battlefield Description and began to study Wilfred Owen. We will be planning and drafting a biography all about him next week. He was a poet and man who fought in the war; unfortunately, he died just before the end of WWII. Later, he was announced as the Greatest War Poet due to Siegfried Sassoon’s commitment to publish his work. Follow this link to read more about him.

A HUGE Congratulations to all the children who took part in Football this week. All the children were very respectful and tried their best throughout the tournament; we were fortunate enough to have two teams attend each tournament and work extremely hard all day against other teams.

We have been very lucky to win both the Boys and Girls Trophy which is now in the School Cabinet on display. Congratulations to everyone who took part 🙂

2KT – Hollie is our Pupil of the Week for demonstrating hard work and determination in every lesson – a fantastic attitude to learning!

2DJ – Zarwa is our Pupil of the Week for setting a super example of effort and behaviour in all her lessons – another fantastic attitude in school!

A BIG Shout Out to these children who received full marks on their times tables or spelling test today!

Isobelle, Archie, Zak, Dominic, Zarwa, Faheem, Inaya, Jacob, Ajeet, John, Harrison, Ollie, Alex, Layla.B, Layla.H

Year 6 would like to wish Jay a lovely birthday weekend. We hope you had a special day earlier this week.

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