As we have delved deeper into our topic, the children have continued to explore the benefits of headtorches in the Arctic, and this week they gained the opportunity to begin designing their own to support them, should they want to explore the Arctic later in life. The children have discussed the most suitable materials, switch features, bulbs, battery life and light modes. They have all really enjoyed taking ownership over their headtorch designs, please encourage them to share their ideas at home and discuss which features from their initial thoughts you are for and which features you think they may need to reflect upon. In the world of design, it is important we reflect on our initial thoughts to ensure the final outcome is fit for purpose.
This week in English we completed our discussion on whether polar bears should be kept in captivity or not. This has been such an interesting and valuable topic, which has impacted on the children’s knowledge and understanding in geography, PSHE and science as we were able to deepen our conversations about global warming and the consequences this is having on our planet. We are extremely proud of their maturity shown in this topic and their use of voice to express their ideas with one another. We hope they have shared some of their thoughts with you at home.
This week in Maths, the children have been learning all about Function Machines and how these relate to Algebra. We have had mixed emotions with algebra this week as this is a new area of learning, but the children have shown their resilience and kept believing in themselves resulting in HUGE success in their knowledge. Please ask them to show you what you have learned. We have attached a link to watch a video and practise some questions together.
2DJ – Harrison is the Pupil of the Week for his great effort in writing. Good sentence structures and trying hard with his punctuation.
2KT – Kitty-Beau is Pupil of the Week for always giving 100% in every lesson, we are all extremely proud of your effort and commitment.
Times Table Super Stars this week are Layla.Bu, Leah, Hachem, Layla.B, Kitty-Beau, Joel, Zach, Elliott, Dominic, Grace, Jacob, Shia, Zarwa, Inaya, Zak, Faheem, Simar, Isobelle, Eithan, John, Archie, Layla.H, Ajeet!! This is a great success story as we have increased the amount of questions and kept their time limit the same, well done Year 6!
A huge congratulations to Year 5 who have won the TTRS Battle Two Weeks in a row, good luck next week Year 6 🙂
Spelling Super Stars this week are Alex, Phoebe, Layla.Bu, Eithan, Dominic, Madeline, Lissie, Elliott, Simar, Grace, Zarwa, Shia, Zak, Kitty-Beau, Archie, Layla.B, Isobelle, Faheem, Mollie, Inaya, John, Layla.H, Ajeet!! This is another amazing week at spelling, keep up the hard work and spelling games at home 🙂