It has been an amazing week in school, your children have worked incredibly hard. We opened our week unlocking a new narrative called Broken: Rock, Paper and Scissors. Please watch the link and discuss possible speech sentences between the characters throughout the story at home this weekend in preparation for writing your narrative next week. Below is an example of our learning:
This week in Maths we began a new unit of learning: decimals. We have recapped place value, ordering, comparing, addition and subtraction. Please click on the links to revisit some aspects of our learning at home with your child. These links have direct access to SATs style questioning.
Science and Geography merged this week to create a wonderful Wonderverse Energy Town Project, and we are sure you may have seen them accessing it at home to improve the energy efficiency of their town. All children were fully engaged in this online learning project, and were able to create a Green City to support the future of Earth.
Our new topic, The Victorians, was introduced this week using Now, Press, Play. They were tasked with supporting their family during the Victorian Era and learned the importance and power that comes from using your voice to make positive changes.
We finished the week revisiting our understanding of On and Offline Friendships and how to ensure these maintain positive. We identified 5 people we can trust and speak to should we need support in the future.
Handwriting Super Stars: Bethany and Mollie
Pupil of the Week: Kitty for her amazing attitude and skills demonstrated in Mighty Warriors, and Phoebe for her improved effort and involvement in Maths!
Times Tables Stars: Shia, John, Zak, Archie, Layla.H, Faheem, Ajeet, Zarwa, Madeline, Eithan, Grace, Keira, Jacob, Samir, Isobelle, Layla.B, Joel and Alex.
Spelling Stars: Zarwa, Grace, Dominic, Layla.Bu, Bethany, Samir, Riley, Madeline, Keira, Eithan, Alex, Alfie.Mc, Zak, Kitty, John, Archie, Layla.B, Hachem, Mollie, Faheem, Ajeet, Layla.H, Hollie and Shia.
Dates for your diary:
5th March – Family WBD Quiz will be posted online. Good luck!
7th March – WBD design a Potato Competition (character/book). This is will your child’s homework this week as school is closed Monday 4th March for a PD Day and Homework Club will not be on, on Tuesday 5th March. We hope you enjoy this exciting challenge 🙂
8th March – WBD dress up – ‘Reading is Magic’ is the theme. We look forward to participating with you 🙂