
Fallen Fields -Week 6

On Tuesday 17th October, we would like to invite parents into school to learn about the children’s online learning platforms from 2.30pm. We would like both parent and child to access Reading Plus, TTRS, EdShed, The School Website and Accelerated Reader to support the transition of learning in school and at home. We look forward to meeting you all again 🙂

This week the children have been planning a diary to write as a soldier, mother or sibling. They have been expanding their vocabulary linked to emotions each perspective may have felt. We have also written a variety of our school sentence types to develop our written work. Please ask your child to show you some of the examples we have been studying.

** This week our super spellers are Zak, Shia, Archie, Faheem, Inaya, Kitty, Layla.H, Ajeet, Simar

On Tuesday, we took part in the National Take 10 Reading Workshop. We were able to listen to an author: Suzie Dent, who shared with us her love for vocabulary and emotions linked to literature. After we shared our class book together: Wonder by R.J.Palacio.

In Maths, we have studied real-life problems which we may face as we grow up. It has been challenging at times as we have needed to apply all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

** This week our super times table children are Harrison, Ollie, Alex, Jacob, Zak, Shia, Grace, Dominic, Zarwa, Archie, Isobelle, Madeline, Faheem, Inaya, Simar, Ajeet, Layla.H, Keira.

In Science, we have expanded our knowledge of the human body by studying the importance of a healthy balanced diet. Some of the key vocabulary we discussed and used was carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, water, fibre, fruit, vegetables, and dairy. Please ask your child to explain the benefits of a healthy and balanced diet.

** This week our Scientist of the week was Layla.B and Grace

In 2KT, Layla.H is our Pupil of the Week for demonstrating how to play suitable games to the KS1 children.

In 2DJ, Layla.B is our Pupil of the Week for always trying hard especially in Maths.

Finally, we would like to wish Leah and Layla.H a lovely weekend celebrating their special days 🙂

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