
Spring Term Week 4

Just say the word ‘Francis’ to your child and their sentences will begin to flow. We are writing our first narrative this year using a film clip called Francis as inspiration. The children were hooked from Monday and have many great ideas to make it their own. We have completed out plan; discussed character and setting descriptions; show not tell to portray emotions; and correct punctuation for speech sentences.

We have continued out algebra journey in Maths and explored how an algebraic expression become an algebraic equation. Your children have really shown maturity with this topic and are beginning to see how it relates to real-life situations involving purchasing products which incur a delivery cost or buying tickets to watch a film at the cinemas.

The staff and children would like to say a BIG Thank you to the parents and carers who attended our Maths Parental Session this week; we enjoyed being able to share with you our strategies to succeed, and we hope we answered your questions about how to support your child’s learning at home. Should you need any further support please do not hesitate to contact us. Below are the websites added to the Parental Handout:


This website has some games to revisit learning and key facts. 


This website has games on various topics and has weekly challenges. 


This website will have activities linked to the learning completed in school. 

In Science, we have planned an investigation to test thermal insultation using our knowledge of a penguin huddle. The children will be setting up an investigation next week to record the benefits of a penguin huddle to a lone penguin. They have predicted the huddle with create a sustained warmth; whereas, the lone penguin will cool quicker as he has no companions to support maintaining its body temperature. We will inform you next week about our results. Please discuss different methods of insulation at home with your child. We have discussed with them methods of keeping themselves insulated, how other animals insult themselves and what products can be used in our homes to support insulation.

Pupil of the Week in 2KT, Gracie for increased confidence and participation in writing this term 🙂

Pupil of the Week in 2DJ, Alex for his improved enthusiasm and commitment to learning 🙂

Super Spellers – Layla.H, Ajeet, Zak, John, Hachem

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