
Class News – 28.4.23

This week, Mr Foster returned to year 6 to develop our understanding of diversity and respect. We identified the importance of diversity: it will help develop a brighter future for all. We discussed respecting age, gender, religion, culture etc within our community, and if we want a brighter future then change starts with us. We acted out different scenarios we face in our local area, particularly near shops and how this makes us and others feel. Please speak with your child about your local area and get them involved in your decision making process when you vote this term.

Our PE (Golf) continued this week, with us working on our putting technique.  We’ll hopefully get a chance to put our skills to the test in a tournament at the end of the half term. 

Science this week saw us create a range of electrical circuits and then test the effects of adding in more components. We noticed that bulbs and buzzers were brighter and louder when we increased the current by adding more batteries.  We are beginning to understand some new vocabulary too, such as ‘current’, ‘voltage’ and ‘resistance’.

We have continued to create our story- ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ in English this week. Our main focus was to make it atmospheric and be a story filled with tension and drama.  Our descriptions of the settings and characters will help the reader put a clear image of the story in their head. We are excited to continue working on them and complete them next week.

We are extremely proud of the commitment the children showed this week during their Mock SATs, they applied lots of the skills we have been practising e.g. reading each question twice, annotating work, ensuring presentation was legible and checking through their work at the end. Keep it up year 6!

On Thursday, Toni from MHST gave the children an opportunity to talk about and share their worries about SATS in a special assembly. The children understood that nerves are a part of everyday life and that we should try to overcome them, rather than shy away from the reason we are worried. We looked at some breathing and grounding techniques to help us stay focussed and logical during our tests.


Oliver – For showing a positive commitment to learning in all aspects of school.

Maisie – for outstanding effort in reading and writing this week.

We’re extremely proud of both of you!


Frankie is 11 this weekend. We hope you have a brilliant day!

Don’t forget Monday is a Bank Holiday and we will see all children in school on Tuesday, we hope you have a lovely extended weekend 🙂

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