
Fallen Fields – Week 5

This week, we had an exciting trip to Eden Camp. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learned lots of additional facts about both WWI and WWII. Today, we created our first double-page spread of year 6 to show off our new knowledge and understanding. Our teachers are very impressed with the outcomes!

Today, we wished our year 6 girls good luck as they headed to a Tag Rugby Tournament – the girls stayed committed till the end and showed great team work! The staff that accompanied them very extremely proud, some great skills and strategies shown off 🙂

In Maths, we have revisited short division and began studying long division. It has been a tricky strategy to learn but with daily revisiting we are now feeling more confident and some of the children have been challenged to word problems involving this new skill!

**Our times table superstars this week are: Archie, Jacob, Zak, Dominic, Zarwa, Faheem, Simar, Inaya, Isobelle, John, Layla.H and Ajeet. Congratulations on achieving 18/18 on both multiplication and division questions 🙂

In English, we have published our biographies about Wilfred Owen and shared knowledge of all stages in his life. Again, we are very proud of their effort and improved use of punctuation and correct letter formation in their handwriting.

**Super Spellers this week were Dominic, Hachem and Layla.H – well done to all those children who accessed EdShed to practice them 🙂

On Monday, we experienced our first Now, Press, Play of the year. We became children who were evacuated during the World War Two, experiencing the sounds of the Blitz, rationing, Dig for Victory and Air Raid Shelters to help save lives. We all really enjoyed it and our drama skills were shown off!

In year 6 we have two pupil’s of the week:

Layla.B – For demonstrating the Golden Rules both in and out of school.

Simar.S – For joining in throughout all English lessons and trying his best during publishing.

On Tuesday 17th October, we would like to invite parents into school to learn about the children’s online learning platforms from 2.30pm. We would like both parent and child to access Reading Plus, TTRS, EdShed, The School Website and Accelerated Reader to support the transition of learning in school and at home. We look forward to meeting you all again 🙂

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