Well, this week has been a week of variety. We began the week in Odd Socks and ended the week dressed in Children In Need clothing. English lessons also altered this week with the introduction of drama! All children have actively engaged well in drama and Talk 4 Writing this week to further develop an understanding of Hamlet. Please practise the rap at home and watch your child use body and facial expressions to become the characters.
Spelling Stars: Ajeet and Simar
In Maths, we have completed some assessment papers to help us prepare for SATs in May. The children have tackled these well, showing confidence to ask for questions to be read and have shown maturity to check their answers when finishing early to ensure they hadn’t made an error. We are extremely proud of the amount of marks gained from showing their working out (the thought process inside their head) when solving reasoning questions. Keep it up year 6! We have also continued our learning journey with addition and subtraction of fractions, remembering the key to success is using the LCM (lowest common multiple). Please try this Maths game to further your confidence and understanding.
Times Tables Stars: Ajeet, Simar, Faheem, Isobelle, Archie, Keira, Madeline, Zarwa, Dominic, Grace, Shia, Inaya, Zak, Harrison, Eithan, Layla.H, John, layla.B, Gracie, Zach, Kitty, Jacob
At the beginning of the week, we ventured outdoors to read both an aerial and street view map (these are known as Geographic Information Systems – GIS) to ensure we were following the correct directions given to us by our teacher. The children will admit this was tricky especially when focussing on the aerial image of our local area. Try to accessing Google Maps at home and find your location and route to school in both aerial and street view mode. During our Geography Fieldwork, we were also discussing trees we found in our local area and how to describe its leaf features to revisit our science learning from last week.
In Science, we produced a classification key of leaf types in our local area to apply the scientific skill of identifying, classifying and grouping.
During Anti-bullying Week, we discussed the definition of bullying and how to handle situations when we may feel uncomfortable. We used the official BBC resources to explain terminology to the children, please click on the link to access more resources. If you would like to make a poster over the weekend to demonstrate how we can support positive friendships in school, please feel free and we will display these in our communal areas.
Pupil of the Week:
Isobelle for clarity and confidence when speaking aloud in class and during our assembly last week.
Riley for improved attitude to learning in all lessons.
Happy Birthday Message:
We would like to wish Zak, Zarwa and Mollie a very happy birthday and thank them for their tasty cakes in class this week, their peers certainly enjoyed them 🙂