In English this week, we have been finding out more about the Galapagos Islands (just off the coast of South America) in order to be able to create an informative report about both the islands themselves as well as the amazing animal life found there. For the report, we have conducted some detailed research using the Go Galapagos website and the Britannica Kids website. These islands are incredible and the creatures which live there are fascinating. We look forward to beginning writing next week.
During Maths this week, our focus has been on measuring and calculating angles, using a protractor as well as our knowledge of the properties of shapes (such as triangles and quadrilaterals). The protractor can be a little fiddly to read properly, but we have persevered and have begun to use it more confidently. You can find out more about measuring with a protractor HERE. If you’d like to know more about angles within different shapes why not have a look at the BBC Bitesize website.
Our Science learning around the topic of Evolution and inheritance continued this week. We looked at how offspring (children) inherit some of their parents’ physical features, such as eye colour or skin tone. We thought about how this fitted in with Darwin’s idea that the strongest members of a species thrive. You can find out more HERE.
This weeks’ Topic lessons focused on the geography of Galapagos. We began to research and create leaflets to explain what the islands are like and persuade people to go and visit these amazing lands. We are also using this work to support our English.
On Thursday afternoon, we were treated to an online workshop with a real life NASA engineer (Ashitey Trebi-Ollenu) who has worked on and continues to work on projects on Mars. He told us al about his background, and love of Science and Maths, which has helped him to lead projects on Mars rovers. It was fascinating to hear about how he creates and controls incredible instruments on a robot millions of miles away! You can watch the landing of the Perseverance Rover HERE.
Sienna – Super effort in Maths, always trying to improve by listening and joining in well.
Zak – Always asking questions to deepen his knowledge and understanding in all areas of the curriculum.
Enjoy the Bank Holiday Monday – Back in school Tuesday 7th May (Breakfast Club is on as normal)