
Autumn 2 – Week 1

What an amazing week we have had with your children! They have worked extremely hard in their preparation for their Remembrance Assembly held this morning and to begin learning their new topic: Elizabethan England.

Thank you to all the parents and carers that attended our Remembrance Service this morning, it was a pleasure to have you join. We are extremely proud of each child, they showed respect in their manner and words during the service and definitely made us feel a range of emotions. Well done 🙂

All children have been entered into the Headteacher’s Golden Book in recognition of their excellent Remembrance Assembly. This is the highest award children can achieve in our school and we are all extremely proud; we hope you are too.

This week we began studying the Elizabethan Era by recapping our learning in year 5. We created the Tudor Family Tree to understand how Queen Elizabeth came to the throne, and the work of William Shakespeare in English. We have began studying one of his famous plays: Hamlet. To learn the play we have watched a film production of the story and learned a rap. If you click on these words they will take you to the links to experience the play at home.

In Science, we have began a new skill of learning: identify, classifying and grouping. Our discussions began with studying leaves from British trees, please take a walk outdoors this weekend and see if your child can describe some of the leaves from the trees in your local area using our learned scientific vocabulary: simple, compound, smooth, toothed, lobed, hand-shaped, spear-shaped, heart-shaped, needle, round. Your child will be coming home with a letter this afternoon, please complete and return on Monday morning so we can continue our science learning in the local area and begin our Geography learning ready for Geography Week.

We have continued our learning of fractions in Maths and looked at different strategies to order, add and subtract fractions. The BBC has a Mathematical game for the children to recap their skills learned so far, please click on the link to access the game.

Pupil of the Week: Joel for his infectious enthusiasm towards writing and Dominic for his outstanding effort in all lessons.

Times Tables Stars: Layla.H, Ajeet, Madeline, Ollie, Archie, Riley, Faheem, Isobelle, Simar, Inaya, Zak, Shia, Grace, Dominic, Zarwa, Keira, Kitty, Jacob, Gracie, Lissie

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