Welcome back everybody! What an amazing start to the year we have had, the children have settled in to their new classes wonderfully and have shown respect and manners to all. We look forward to seeing the children achieve their goals in year 6.

In English, we have planned, drafted and published our welcome page! The children have worked so hard to produce their first piece of work with their best handwriting and lovely vocabulary to introduce you to their new creative curriculum books.

In Maths, we have begun our times tables and division facts journey by recapping the twos! We have studied numbers beyond a million and have a developed a securing understanding of place value in numeral and word form.
We have begun our newest topic- Fallen Fields. We have been studying the main factors and key events behind WW1. Below is an overview of key information for you to discuss with your child. Click on the link below to access.

We also have a link below for a BBC bitesize quiz on World War One. Can you get 100%?
These children all received full marks on their times tables test (multiplication and division questions): Willow, Lily-Rose, Aishah, Ahmed, Amr, Oscar, Poppy, Leon.

We would all like to wish Lily-Rose a very happy birthday for this week! We hope you have a great day!
Congratulations to our pupils of the week this week: Finn for a super punctual start to year 6 and giving all learning 100% and Emmie for her outstanding effort in class and being on time ready to learn.

Today is read a book day!
Friday 6th September is read a book day! It’s to show children that reading is amazing! Please grab a book and read with your child today 🙂