In English this week we have continued to work on our place value of punctuation and grammar focusing on verbs. The children have been working hard to identify the being verbs and the action verbs within sentences. We have focused on regular and irregular verbs and the rules they follow. In guided reading, we focused on character descriptions in Harry Potter! The children were working on their fluency skills and some drama as they acted out scenes from the play script. They were extremely engaged, we definitely have some future actors and actresses in Year 6!
In maths this week we have been focusing on long multiplication using column method. The children would benefit from using Times Table Rockstar’s at home to enhance their understanding of their times tables. It would boost their confidence and allow them to achieve continuously within their day to day arithmetic and their maths lessons.

Congratulations to our pupils of the week: Charlie for always being a kind friend and listening to others and Amina for showing continual kindness and respect to everyone, but going an extra mile to support others in her first language. Well done to you both!
Our attendance champions this week were Emmie for her amazing punctuality and for coming into school with a smile on her face and Finn for 100% attendance and punctuality.

Congratulations to our super spellers this week: Olivia, Lilly, Mohammed, Kiziah, Ray, Pearl, Aaliyah, Charlie, Amr, Finn, Zach, Willow, Amina, Orion, Milena, Cruz.
Congratulations to our times table stars this week: Amr, Oscar, Aaliyah, Belle, Amina, Olivia, Zach, Willow, Laila, Lexie, Layla P, Khadija, Kiziah, Layla H, Cruz, Pearl, Milena, Ahmed, Emmie, Lily, Ava, Harry