Welcome back and Happy New Year! The children have came back to school with a great attitude towards their learning. We started our English on Tuesday, introducing our next piece of writing which will be a non-chronological report on some magnificent creatures found on the Galapagos Islands. In maths, we have started our new maths topic which is ratio, the children have been working exceptionally hard and have done really well to understand a new maths concept in the first week! 🙂
On Wednesday, we were fortunate enough to have some performers come in to perform the show Robin Hood. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and even had a few giggles at our staff’s dance moves! Thursday was No Pen Day, the children were extremely engaged with the story of Darwin’s Dragons and created their own journal of drawings of different animals from the Galapagos.
Our new topic is the Glorious Galapagos! Below is the knowledge organiser that you can share with your child to discuss what they will be learning in the weeks to come. 🙂

Pupil of the week!

Congratulations to our pupils of the week!
- Belle in 2KT for having a positive mental attitude to new learning this week- keep it up!
- Kiziah in 2BV for her amazing effort and input in class all week! 🙂
Times Table Legends!

Congratulations to those who achieved 18 out of 18 in their multiplication and division test!
- Amr, Ray, Charlie, Belle, Liv, Zach, Muhammed, Gag, Willow, Ahmed, Kiziah, Leon, Jacob, Lily-Rose, Cruz and Harry
Super Spellers!

Congratulations to those children who achieved 10 out of 10 in our spelling test this week!
Amr, Laila, Finn, Zach, Amina, Belle, Gag, Heidi, Cruz, Lillie, Olivia, Layla H, Muhammed, Kiziah, Oliver, Poppy and Aaliyah.