Happy Chinese New Year! The children enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year this week and exploring and interacting with a range of activities, but they especially enjoyed tasting some Chinese food; Noodles, rice and prawn crackers. They also learnt about the important role of Firefighters, watching videos, making fire engines and pretending to be firefighters themselves. The children have also been talking about and painting different important people in our community, so look out for the display in the corridor. In maths, children have been learning about long and short, comparing the length of different objects. In Science, the children have continued learning about their senses and we focused on the sense of smell. They took turns smelling different things and guessing and matching them to the products. In PE, nursery have worked in pairs, following each other’s movements then working in pairs with their balancing and climbing skills.

Nursery Rhyme of the Week
Each week, we will be asking the children to learn a new nursery rhyme each week. A booklet has been provided for the new starters to help you sing along with your child but we will also singing other rhymes. This week we will be learning ‘Brush your teeth’ song (Early Years BBC) as we are learning about the role of the Dentist.
Key notices
Attendance and Punctuality
There are still a few children coming into nursery a little late.
It is important that your child arrives in nursery on time, so that they are settled and are ready for the register and input.
Morning door open 8.30am-8.45am – Nursery register/input starts 8.45am
Afternoon door opens 12.15pm-12.30pm – Nursery register / input starts 12.30pm
Minutes late = Minutes lost
Stars of the Week

Well Done Thomas (morning) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for settling well in nursery, exploring and making new friends.
Well Done Lottie (afternoon) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for also settling well in nursery, exploring and making new friends.
Mrs Hilton and Mrs Bell are very proud of you all! Remember the Golden rules in nursery:

Happy Friday and have a lovely weekend!