The nursery have had a fun, active week this week and developed many new skills. The children have continued to learn about different people’s roles in their community and how they help us. They have also greatly focused on mark making, using different tools and some children practising their name writing. The nursery have also been developing their fine motor skills, cutting different lines and picking up counters and placing them on different markings. In PE this week, the children have thoroughly enjoyed moving around in different ways, using different parts of their body and developing their climbing and balancing skills. In Maths, the children have been counting up to 5 in different ways, using different counters and practising showing the numbers on their fingers. Nursery have had two science lessons this week, understanding two senses – Hearing and touch. On the investigation table, nursery have had the opportunity to make different noises with objects and they have had to match the sounds and objects. What a busy week!
Come and Read
Always a good turn out and the children love sharing their books with their carers.

Mark making

Fine Motor skills

Good climbing and balancing skills

Science activities on our senses – Hearing and touch

Nursery Rhyme of the Week
Each week, we will be asking the children to learn a new nursery rhyme each week. A booklet has been provided for the new starters to help you sing along with your child but we will also singing other rhymes. This week we will be learning Two little Dickie birds as is RSPB garden birdwatch 2025
Key notices

On Monday 20th January we will be supporting
the local charity ‘Headlight Project.’ We would
like the children to dress and come to school in
‘Bright Colours’, for a cash donation. As with all
fundraisers, participation is optional.
Attendance and Punctuality
It is important that your child arrives in nursery on time, so that they are settled and are ready for the register and input.
Morning door open 8.30am-8.45am – Nursery register/input starts 8.45am
Afternoon door opens 12.15pm-12.30pm – Nursery register / input starts 12.30pm
Minutes late = Minutes lost
Stars of the Week

Well Done Aksel (morning) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for communicating more through his play. Super effort Aksel!
Well Done Amaya (afternoon) who has received the ‘Star of the Week’ certificate, for always sitting correctly in circle time.
Mrs Hilton and Mrs Bell are very proud of you all! Remember the Golden rules in nursery:

Have a super weekend everyone!