
Class News 24.5.24

In English, 1HL and 1TS have been writing their own fact file about Arctic Animals. We have enjoyed finding out and sharing interesting facts!

In Maths, 1TS and 1HL have been learning about fractions of shapes and amounts. They have used practical equipment as well as pictorial resources.

All the staff in Key Stage One would like to congratulate the Year Two children who have completed their SATs this week. All the children have tried incredibly hard and have shown such determination with a really challenging job. Well Done!

We would like to thank you for your continued support this half term and wish you a very wonderful Half Term break.


As we come to our final half term of school, would like like to remind you of our school uniform expectations.

During the Summer months we request that children bring sun hats/caps to school and in the event of a good forecast and high temperatures – could sunscreen be applied before your child comes to school.

Our school uniform is…

Boys Girls
Grey /red V-necked pullover / Sweatshirt Grey / red pullover / Sweatshirt or Cardigan
White shirt White blouse
Grey trousers Grey skirt or red/white pinafore dress
White or grey socks White or grey socks

Black shoes should be worn with school uniform. Alternatively black trainers may be worn.
Hair styles should not be extreme and are considered part of the uniform. No tram lines nor hair dyes.
Earrings do present a problem – only studs can be worn.

The children should come to school in their PE kits on PE Days (white t-shirt, black shorts,
joggers and a sweatshirt, plimsolls or trainers).

Pupil of the Week

Pupil of the week in 1HL is Haajirah for her positive attitude when facing challenges this week.

Pupil of the week in 1TS is Abigail for trying her best all week.

Pupil of the week in 1MG is Eloise for her determination with her SATs this week.


Hamza and Roman in 1MG and Oliver and Michael in 1TS. Happy Birthday to you all!

School Value Awards- Summer 1

Year 2

Enjoy – Evan – For his enjoyment of our topic.
Inspire- Esther – For her inspirational fact file.
Achieve – Ellissia – For her work with fractions.

Year 1

Enjoy- Darcey-Mae – for enjoying everything we do in 1HL.
Inspire- Daniel – for thoroughly enjoying our new topic and finding out new, interesting facts to share with the class.
Achieve- Zachary – for always trying his best and working super hard in 1HL

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