This week we had another fantastic, busy week in Key Stage 1!
On Wednesday, we took part in our Great Fire of London day and the children had so much fun. Throughout the morning the children took part in a range of activities including Tudor artwork, making 3d Tudor houses and painting them and baking bread buns. On the afternoon, we had a mini re-enactment of the Great Fire of London and watched as Mr Griffiths and Mr Grierson set fire to some of our boxes. The children were very sensible throughout the demonstration and made some Fire Safety posters in class.
Take a look at what we will be learning this half term.
Pupil of the Week
1HL – Pupil of the week in 1HL is Violet for trying hard with her maths work.
1TS – Pupil of the week in 1TS is Layla for her independent maths work.
1MG – Pupil of the week in 1MG is Evan for his fantastic effort outside of the classroom.
No birthdays in KS1 this week.
School Value awards- Spring term 1
Year 2
Enjoy – Hamza – for enjoying our topic this half term.
Inspire- Harriet – for her fantastic topic work outside of school.
Achieve – Rose- for making great progress in maths
Year 1
Enjoy- Rosie- for enjoying music and creating her own song.
Inspire- Edward – for inspiring others throughout our topic.
Achieve- Layla – for making great progress with her writing.
Take a look at what we will be learning this half term.