
KS1 Class News – 27.01.23


In Mr Griffiths’ class this week in English, we finished our instruction writing for the weevil biscuits that we made. The writing was fantastic! We have planned our story ‘How the birds got their colours’ through drawing and role play. In maths we have continued to learn about multiplication and we have focused on the two times table. Can you practise at home?

In Miss Severs’ and Miss Stainthorpe’s classes, we have continued exploring the story ‘Lost and Found’. We have started to learn how to write a story and have been excellent at retelling our story using actions and words. Next week we are going to write our very own story! In PSHCE we have been exploring our feelings, we worked together to discuss some strategies for when we are feeling angry and made a calming wheel. Our Music lesson was fabulous this week as we learnt how to use the glockenspiel in time with the pulse of our song HEY YOU! In Science we took a visit to a huge tree on our field, we are going to visit this tree throughout the year to see how it changes with each season. The children were using Scientific vocabulary to label the parts of a tree. We also took our learning outside and used a compass to find the directions of North, East, South and West on our playground.

Take a look at our recent newsletter:



1ES – Harriet V for being a fantastic role model and trying her best to work independently.

1TS – Lily-Ava for completing some excellent writing about Captain James Cook and being super enthusiastic about learning new things.

1MG – Alice for her fantastic work ethic and being a great role model to others.

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve

Every half term, we hand out special awards for children demonstrating our school values.

What will you do to show our values this week?



There are no birthdays in KS1 this week but…

We would like to wish all of the other children a wonderful birthday from all of KS1 🙂

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