In English, 1HL and 1TS have been looking at the book Owl Babies. They have been sequencing and retelling the story using puppets. 1MG have been starting to research facts about tigers in order to write a fact file.
In Maths, 1TS and 1HL have continued to learn about measurement. They have been measuring the capacity of different containers. 1MG have continued to work on fractions this week, looking at quarters and thirds.
The children are enjoying our new topic of ‘Amazing Animals’. This week, we have continued to research which part of the world our favourite animals come from. We have looked at maps to find the continents and started to look at the different habitats that animals live in.
Summer 1
Take a look at what we will be learning this half term.
Pupil of the Week
Pupil of the week in 1HL is Kyon for trying super hard this week.
Pupil of the week in 1TS is Charlotte for excellent listening and answering questions in detail.
Pupil of the week in 1MG is Zara for always being a fantastic role model for others.
We look forward to sharing your birthday with you soon!
School Value awards- Spring term 2
Year 2
Enjoy – Billy – For thoroughly enjoying our new topic and remembering key facts.
Inspire- Haajirah – For going above and beyond in our topic and finding out new facts to share with the class.
Achieve – Mansa – For always trying her best and making fantastic progress.
Year 1
Enjoy- Darcey-Mae – for enjoying everything we do in 1HL.
Inspire- Daniel – for thoroughly enjoying our new topic and finding out new, interesting facts to share with the class.
Achieve- Zachary – for always trying his best and working super hard in 1HL