In English, 1HL and 1TS have been gathering information to write our own fact file about Arctic Animals. We have enjoyed finding out and sharing interesting facts! 1MG have been consolidating their learning and revising sentence types and word classes.
In Maths, 1TS and 1HL have consolidated our learning of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have been use practical equipment to support out understanding of sharing and making equal groups. 1MG have been consolidating their learning this week and revising known strategies which they can use independently.
1TS and 1HL have planned and designed an animal hand puppet which we will make out of felt. We are looking forward to developing our sewing skills next week when we make them. 1MG have had fun making their own animal masks.
Another successful week in KS1! 🙂
Summer 1
Take a look at what we will be learning this half term.
Pupil of the Week
Pupil of the week in 1HL is Theo for trying really hard this week.
Pupil of the week in 1TS is Mila for showing enthusiasm towards our animal topic and sharing interesting animal facts to the class.
Pupil of the week in 1MG is Jasmine for her fantastic resilience this week.
No birthdays this week in KS1.
We would like to wish a happy birthday to all those who are celebrating their birthdays across school 🙂
School Value awards- Spring term 2
Year 2
Enjoy – Billy – For thoroughly enjoying our new topic and remembering key facts.
Inspire- Haajirah – For going above and beyond in our topic and finding out new facts to share with the class.
Achieve – Mansa – For always trying her best and making fantastic progress.
Year 1
Enjoy- Darcey-Mae – for enjoying everything we do in 1HL.
Inspire- Daniel – for thoroughly enjoying our new topic and finding out new, interesting facts to share with the class.
Achieve- Zachary – for always trying his best and working super hard in 1HL