1ES & 1TS
This week we have finished our unit on riddles and have written our own in English. In Maths we have begun to learn to count in multiples of 2’s and 5s. Can you practise at home?
During our Science lesson the children loved observing and learning about the life cycle of a human and a butterfly – they drew the four main stages of each and can talk about what happens at each stage. We took a trip to our allotment again this week and began to weed our planters ready to plant seeds in our next Science topic – plants!
In Music we have learnt a new song called ‘My imagination’. We have learnt how to sing in rounds and will hopefully be adding some instruments to our learning next week. We can’t wait!
Our Year 2 children would like to say a huge Thank You to parents for coming to share their fantastic learning and explore their books with them!
In maths we have been learning about fractions of amounts and of numbers (1/2, 1/4). We have then applied this into reasoning questions.
In English, we have been consolidating our knowledge of noun phrases and have written a setting description linked to the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’.
During Topic we have been looking at the UK and the bodies of water that surround us. We have also completed our coding linked to the seaside.
Our Year 2 children would like to say a huge Thank You to parents for coming to share their fantastic learning and explore their books with them!
KS1 P.E. – Tuesday and Wednesday
Please come to school in your school P.E. kit:
- plain white t-shirt
- plain black joggers/leggings/shorts
- black trainers/plimsols
- red school jumper/cardigan
For upcoming events, dates and information please take a look at our recent newsletter:
1ES – Ronnie for a fantastic attitude to her learning and some outstanding progress in handwriting!
1TS – Eloise for being super enthusiastic and having a great attitude to learning.
1MG – Scarlett – For being a fantastic role model to others!
Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve
Every half term, we hand out special awards for children demonstrating our school values.
What will you do to show our values this week?
We do not have any birthdays in KS1 this week.
KS1 would like to wish a huge happy birthday to:
the children in EYFS and KS2 who have birthdays this week.
We hope you have a wonderful day 🙂