
Class News 23.06.23

Class News:

1TS& 1ES:

In English, we have being enjoying our new story focus ‘Pirates Love Underpants’. We have explored the story and sequenced the events in order. We have been using some exciting adjectives to create a wanted poster with a description of Captain Blackbeard. He has stolen the Pants of Gold and we are trying to find him!

In Maths, we have been explore money and coins. We have been identifying and naming different coins and sorting them into groups depending on their colour, size and shape.


In English, we have conducted some independent research of Grace O’Malley and explored her life events. We are gathering lots of information to create our own fact file!


KS1 Sports day – Tuesday 27th June 1.30pm

KS1 P.E. – Wednesday and Thursday

Please come to school in your school P.E. kit:

  • plain white t-shirt
  • plain black joggers/leggings/shorts
  • black trainers/plimsols
  • red school jumper/cardigan
  • sun cream applied

For upcoming events, dates and information please take a look at our recent newsletter:


Pupil of the Week

1ES – Rehan – For coming to school with a big smile everyday and being a kind friend.

1TS – Ella – For trying really hard during Sports Day practise and encouraging her peers.

1MG – Freddie – For his fantastic independence and his brilliant research about our topic this week.

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve

Every half term, we hand out special awards for children demonstrating our school values.

What will you do to show our values this week?



We do not have any birthdays in KS1 this week.

KS1 would like to wish a huge happy birthday to Lilliana!

We hope you have a wonderful day 🙂

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