In English, 1HL and 1TS have continued our work on Owl Babies this week. We have transformed into authors and written our won retell of the story. 1MG have been exploring conjunctions and applying them correctly in their independent writing.
In Maths, 1TS and 1HL have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have been applying this knowledge to count practical objects and pictorial representations. 1MG have been exploring fractions this week.
The children are enjoying our new topic of ‘Amazing Animals’. This week we have explored Nocturnal and Diurnal animals. We discussed how and why nocturnal animals have adapted to hunt during the night.
We have had lots of discussions and an assembly on ‘being kind’ this week. We have discussed how to be a good friend and how we should treat our friends in school. We even learned a song in assembly all about listening to other peoples good advice.
Another successful week in KS1! 🙂
Summer 1
Take a look at what we will be learning this half term.
Pupil of the Week
Pupil of the week in 1HL is Ada for her super effort.
Pupil of the week in 1TS is Ava for writing her own retell of Owl Babies at home.
Pupil of the week in 1MG is Khadija for her fantastic work this week.
Happy birthday to Layla & Maddison.
We hope you have a lovely day.
School Value awards- Spring term 2
Year 2
Enjoy – Billy – For thoroughly enjoying our new topic and remembering key facts.
Inspire- Haajirah – For going above and beyond in our topic and finding out new facts to share with the class.
Achieve – Mansa – For always trying her best and making fantastic progress.
Year 1
Enjoy- Darcey-Mae – for enjoying everything we do in 1HL.
Inspire- Daniel – for thoroughly enjoying our new topic and finding out new, interesting facts to share with the class.
Achieve- Zachary – for always trying his best and working super hard in 1HL