New year, fresh start! We have had a super start to the new academic year in lower Key Stage 2. It is fair to say we have loved catching up with friends and making new friends in our mixed classes. All of our teachers have complimented us on our can-do attitudes and we have settled back into school routines easily. Our topic for the upcoming half term is Gods and Mortals whereby we will be delving deeper into the history of Ancient Greece.
In English, we have created our very own welcome page in our Creative Curriculum books. We have enticed our readers using exciting vocabulary and have set our goals and hopes for the upcoming year.
In Maths, we have begun our Times Table Rockstars journey and the competition is well under way!
As part of our transition into our new classes, we have enjoyed creating 3D fact files about ourselves including some magnificent self portraits.
Notices & Dates
- PE is now on a Tuesday and Thursday
- Please come to school in the correct P.E. kit (black shorts/leggings/joggers, plain white t-shirt, black trainers/plimsols and a red school jumper/cardigan).
- Year 3/4 Parent meeting – 13/09/23 at 2:45pm
- Y3 Pedestrian Training – 15/09/23
Gods and Mortals Overview
Pupil of the Week
In 2SS this week Ella is Pupil of the Week, for arriving at school with a big smile every day on time.
In 2BH this week Vincent is Pupil of the Week, for having a great first week and always being polite.
In 2HH this week Lucas is Pupil of the Week for consistently using his manners and being kind to all.
A huge well done to these superstars who have all excelled this week 🙂
Reader of the Week
We have now taken our reading books home ready to start quizzing next week. Who will our super star readers be …
Superstar spellers
Our spellings will begin next week – please remember to practise daily on spelling shed!
Mathematical Rockstars
Our multiplication quizzes will begin next week – keep battling on TTRS!
Happy Birthday to Esmae & Olah celebrating their birthdays this week.
We hope you both have a great day!