
Class news 15.12.23

We’ve had a fantastic week this week in school. Yesterday, our Y4 children and choir performed at ‘Carols round the tree’ for their grown ups. It was a lovely way to begin our festive celebrations. The children were amazing, we’re so proud of all of them. Thank you for coming along. We hope you enjoyed the hot chocolate and treats after too. We’re looking forward to our Y3 Christingle at St Chads on Tuesday. We’d love to see you there from 10am.

Whilst we have been busy with performances, we’ve also been working hard in lessons. In English, we’re planning, drafting and editing our non-chronological reports all about volcanoes. In maths, we’re continuing to work hard on our rapid recall of times tables. You can find out who achieved full marks in our weekly test below.


Well done to all three of our POWs this week.

From 2SS, Alex for always giving excellent contributions in class and being a team player.

From 2BH, Subhan for excellent effort and attitude all week.

From 2HH, Everley giving 100% effort in maths and trying her best to improve.

Reader of the Week

Well done to the following children for reading 3 times a week at home!

From 2SS – Aya, Zara, Skyla, Alex, Edith, Isha, Rayan, Chloe, Hizar, Lewis, Musa, Eva, Isabelle, Pixie, Scarlett, Helen, Albie, Eddie, Oliver, Otis, Isla and Tommy.

From 2BH – Bella, Mason, Subhan, Leo, Luna, Grace, Freddie, Chloe, Nyolah, Nancy J, Lily and Melissa.

From 2HH – Ava, Harry, Isabelle, Musa, Saffron, Shanaya, Alice, Angel, Eveyah, Isla, JJ, Luca, Lucas, Marcus, Millie, Olah and Rhys.

Super effort from 2SS and 2HH. Can 2BH improve for next Thursday?

Remember you can read any books, magazines or comics from home too. Any reading is fantastic! Don’t forget you need your reading record signed and dated each time you read with an adult.

Superstar spellers

Well done to the following children, who achieved 10/10 this week.

Rayan, Hizar, Pixie, Scarlett, Isla-Isobelle, Oli, Chloe, Dayton, Alice, Eveyah, Harriet, Isla, JJ, Luca, Marcus and Olah.

Mathematical Rockstars

A big well done to the following children who scored 10/10 on their times table quiz this week.

Alex, Isha, Rayan, Chloe, Hizar, Lewis, Isabelle C, Albie, Eddie, Oliver, Peyton, Toyah, Subhan, Shanaya G, Grace, Leo, Chloe,

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