
Class News 2.2.24

Another busy week in Year 3/4 this week. We started the week reading and performing lots of different poems in english. We talked about what we liked about them and what we didn’t. Next week, we’ll be creating our own to perform! In maths, we have continued our work on times tables, challenging each other on TTRS. We also welcomed our grown ups into school so they could see our great work and look at the different methods we use. Thank you to those of you who could make it. We hope you found it useful. Unfortunately, the weather put an end to our outdoor PE lessons this week, so we worked on our fitness indoors with Just Dance and relaxed with some guided meditation. We ended the week with topic work on looking at the differences between Anglo-Saxon and modern day laws.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. See you on Monday morning for our final week of this half term.

Notices & Dates

PE is on a Monday and Wednesday

Please come to school in the correct P.E. kit (black shorts/leggings/joggers, plain white t-shirt, black trainers/plimsols and a red school jumper/cardigan).

Trip letters – Hardwick Park

Letters went home today about our trip on Thursday 21st March. Please could payments be made on the gateway app and reply slips sent to school asap.

Pupil of the Week

In 2SS – Hazel. Hazel is always enthusiastic towards learning and always has a beautiful smile on her face.

In 2BH – Lily WS. Lily has worked hard all week, particularly in maths.

In 2HH – Isla. Isla for giving 100% in all of her lessons.

A huge well done to these superstars who have all excelled this week 🙂

Reader of the Week

The following children have read at least 3 times this week. Well done to

Aya, Zara, Alex, Rumaysaa, Hazel, Rayan, Chloe, Hizar, Jack, Lewis, Musa, Leia, Helen, Albie, Eddie, Ollie, Elsie, Tommy from 2SS.

Layla, Bella, Peyton, Georgie, Mason, Toyah, Subhan, Shanaya, Ellisia, Jemima, Leo, Grace, Vincent, Oli, Chloe, Raania, Ivarnah, Lilly P, Mika, Parker, Lily, Melissa from 2BH.

Amber, Ava, Harry, Isabelle, Riley, Saffron, Shanaya, Alice, Angel, Everley, Eveyah, Ishaaq, Isla, JJ, Olivia from 2HH.

Please try to make sure your child has their reading book and reading record every day. Let’s see if we can add to this list next week.

Superstar spellers

Well done to the following children for scoring 10/10 in their spellings this week:

Rayan, Chloe, Pixie, Scarlett, Isla-Isobelle, Elsie, Isla, Tommy,Vincent, Oli, Chloe, Nyolah, Raania, Clayton, Mika, Dayton, Elizabeth, Alice, Eveyah, Ishaaq, Isla, JJ, Luca, Lucas, Olah, Olivia, Rayaan, Rhys.

Remember, your spellings are on Spelling Shed and our class page each week.

Mathematical Rockstars

The Times Table stars this week for achieving 10/10 are:

Zara, Alex, Chloe, Hizar, Jack, Lewis, Musa, Eva, Leia, Pixie, Eddie, Oli S, Peyton, Toyah, Subhan, Shanaya, Jemima, Luna, Grace, Oli, Raania, Parker, Melissa, Ava, Harry, Rose.

Wow, what a lot of superstars this week!


Happy Birthday to Isla B and Kendall who both celebrated their birthday this week. We hope you had a lovely day girls.

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