
Class news – 3.5.24

We have had a super busy week this week in Y3/4. We have finished our work on fractions and decimals in Maths and have moved on to learning about money. The Y4 children completed their Summer practise of the MTC check (we will be doing the official MTC check in June) and we have seen progress in some scores which is great. Please support your child at home to access TTRS as often as possible and to complete their homework each week as this will help them to secure their multiplication tables knowledge.

In English we have completed our work on the ‘Dreamgiver’ narrative and it is by far the best writing we have ever done. There will definitely be some Golden Book entries next week! In Topic we found out about the ‘Underground Railroad’ and the lives of Harriet Tubman and Florence Price. We tried some body percussion in Music and took part in some Netball matches and mindfulness sessions in PE. In Science we investigated whether having bigger pinnae means we hear sounds louder – ask us about our findings!

Don’t forget school is closed for the Bank Holiday on Monday 6th May. Have a lovely three-day weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday ready for another busy week!

PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday

Please come to school in the correct P.E. kit (black shorts/leggings/joggers, plain white t-shirt, black trainers/plimsols and a red school jumper/cardigan)

Next week is Sun Awareness week which is the kick-off to the British Association of Dermatologists summer-long Sun Awareness campaign. They use this week to reinforce the need for sun protection across the UK and inspire people to raise awareness themselves!

A big well done to our Pupils of the Week in Y3/4 this week.

In 2HH, Angel has been chosen for trying extra hard in her Maths and writing this week, keep it up.

Mrs Henwood has chosen Nancy J in 2BH for her super effort in English and Maths. Super!

In 2SS, Mrs Savage has chosen Eddie for his excellent effort and enthusiasm when writing his own story. Well done!

Brilliant effort to the following children who have read at least 3 times at home this week:

Aya, Zara, Alex, Hazel, Rayan, Hizar, Jack, Musa, Eva, Pixie, Ella, Helen, Albie, Oli S, Elsie, Isla W, Bella, Georgie, Mason, Toyah, Subhan, Shanaya G, Ellisia, Leo, Luna, Vincent, Freddie, Oli C, Chloe, Nancy J, Ivarnah, Clayton, Mika, Lily McL-S, Melissa, Amber, Esmae, Harry, Musa A, Nancy P, Riley, Saffron, Elizabeth, Alice, Eveyah, Isla B, JJ, Lucas, Marcus, Millie and Olivia.

Tremendous effort from all Y3/4 children this week as all children who are in school have quizzed at least once this week. Mrs Matthewman is not sure whether this has ever happened on this corridor before. Let’s try and make it happen again before the end of the Summer term!

Well done to the following children for scoring 10/10 in their spellings this week:

Skyla, Alex, Rumaysaa, Edith, Isha, Hizar, Lewis, Eva, Pixie, Scarlett, Layla B, Georgie, Subhan, Shanaya G, Leo, Luna, Mika, Aston, Dayton, Isabelle W, Musa A, Alice, Eveyah, Ishaaq, Isla B, JJ, Luca, Lucas and Olivia.

We have moved to completing soundchecks on TTRS which are similar to the MTC our Y4 children will take part in in June. Well done to the following children who are already achieving 25/25:

Alex, Rayan, Eddie, Subhan, Shanaya G, Ellisia, Ruben, Grace, Mika, Aston, Isabelle W, Musa A, Luca, Lucas and Olah-Mai.

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